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Spend a Life

Moment: February 9th, 2021 at 7:33 PM

"Can we just agree that this is just the 14th month of 2020? Time just doesn't work the same way anymore."

2021! I usually kick off each year by taking a few moments to fill out the first pages with a promise verse and a song that provide a framework for how I want to approach the coming year. 2021 has been such a whirlwind that I’m just now getting to it in the midst of a winter storm of historic proportions, but just like the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, I’ve had six more weeks to think about what verse and song I want to represent my vision for this year.

I learned a lot in 2020 about what really matters to me, because when everything is stripped away, you tend to focus on the important things. I dug deeper into my relationship with God, pursued friendships more intentionally, and dedicated more of my time towards causes that I care about.

For my 2021 bible verse, I chose Acts 18:9, in which God encourages Paul to remain firmly planted and continue to speak truth even in the midst of opposition by saying,

“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”

Those of you who know me personally know fully well that I am not someone who needs to be reminded to speak up. I can turn any situation into my soapbox, especially if it is something I am truly passionate about.

However, this verse really resonated with me, because when it comes to hard or even controversial topics, it can be intimidating even for the most vocal of people. There are so many social, economic, political, and racial issues that are deep-rooted in our society and are now coming to light. People are finally having conversations to figure out what to do about them, but unfortunately, these periods of open discussion and discourse seem to come in waves as issues go in and out of the media. This verse is a reminder for me to not be discouraged when it feels like conversations and efforts are not having an impact both in society and my personal life, and be persistent until something is done.

At the start of the pandemic, I realized I had a lot more time on my hands because I wouldn't be able to do any of my extracurriculars or engage in social activities. I remember seeing countless posts about how "if you have ever thought you don't have enough time, now is your time!" and it was honestly a lot of pressure to stay busy. I definitely burned out halfway through 2020 after graduating from undergrad, then I had to learn how to take a breather. Although I've made pretty good use of my free time thus far, I want to learn how to use my time well and strike a balance between productivity and rest.

It's hard to know what to prioritize from our limited perspective, and the chorus of "Spend a Life" by David Dunn truly encapsulates how I'm asking God to guide my decisions regarding my time. The lyrics talk about how we all have a limited time on this earth, but we don't know how long we have, so we should make the most of the time and opportunities that we have while we're here. God knows the whole trajectory of our lives, so there is no one better to lead us every step of the way.

"All I have is what You gave
Watching seconds turn to days
I was made for more then just to watch it fly
A few more turns around the sun
Could be hundreds, could be one
Show me how to spend the treasure of my time
Show me how to spend a life."

This year, I hope to figure out how best to use my voice and invest my time. These are honestly the most valuable resources that God has given me, and I want every word I speak and every moment that I spend to be both intentional and impactful.

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